Hair Removal Nose Wax


Hair Removal Nose Wax

The more the years progress with me, The more nasal hair I have. Like some upside down hedge growing out of my nose.

Weird and very Ughh!

Nose trimmers do the trick to a degree. The hair seems to grow back very quickly and it won’t always get the vines growing up there.

But how about a good old stick up your nose with a bit of warm wax at the end.

Que tears!!!    Real men tears!!!

This is Nad’s hair removal nose wax (say that fast)

Nad’s claim to be the worlds first nose wax hair removal kit. And aim to be easy to use and can last up to 4 weeks.

The kit comes complete with instructions, pot of wax, applicators, spatulas, moustache stencils and soothing oil wipes.

For a better looking hairless snout, take a look here


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