CAPCOM Home Arcade

CAPCOM Home Arcade

CAPCOM Home Arcade

Emulator’s are and have been making a huge comeback. Bringing back classic favourites from days gone by. Days when you didn’t have to Que all night for the latest release. When nothing was online and you didn’t get charged for extra charges on charges for charges.

CAPCOM Home Arcade
CAPCOM Home Arcade

Simpler times, Simpler games. Perfect.

Capcom have now designed and are in the process of releasing the CAPCOM home arcade. Designed to play the old favourite classic arcade games from the comfort of your living room, while beating your gran at street fighter 2 to see who gets the last cheescake in the fridge.

CAPCOM Home Arcade
CAPCOM Home Arcade

Adopting a plug and play. the console gets plugged in to the TV and a mains supply and then you are away to go . Playing old favourites such as

  • Alien vs Predator
  • Capcom sports club
  • Final fight
  • Street fighter 2
  • 12 other games to choose from

I have a feeling many a household battle will be won and lost on this.

For more information take a look here