Sketch on Prinker

Prinker tattoo

Sketch on Prinker

I have always wanted a tattoo, Something cool and edgy and modern. Like a Celtic band. But like I was once told “you’ll never end up getting one, just get something and break the seal”

All the words of wisdom there from someone who has a face tattoo and Peewee Herman on their leg!

But if you have ever toyed with the idea of looking like Connor Diaz or some other roll around fighter then why not start with the Prinker.

This nifty machine will let you print temporary tattoos to your body. It works by selecting from the hundreds of premade tattoos on the prinker app, then choose, send it to the prinker and then you rub the prinker across the tattoo area (no bums please). And Voila, you are now Instagram ready.

Did I mention you can upload your own designs, So if you have any Peewee Herman sketches lying around. You know…get them on your leg!!

For more information take a look here

Thanks to the Prinker team for the images and information.