Microclimate Mask

Microclimate Mask

Well, its official, 2020 has been the weirdest year since records began (my records). Although I never go outside much anyway so the whole lockdown thing hasn’t affected me at all. But if I needed to go outside, and that’s a big if. then I’m going to need one of these.

The Microclimate Mask

Look like you are on Mars without actually going. This high tech facemask is a huge cut above the paper ones you have been wearing or the cloth ones you have bought from someone’s aunt.

This is a face mask helmet that goes toward protecting you from ghastly outside world germs.

The mask is battery operated via Two Lithium Polymer batteries and can last up to 8 hours when fully charged. These go toward charging the inner light and also the 4 fans that operate to keep your mask clear and fog-free.

The mask also contains 4 HEPA filters. one for out air and 3 for air intake. making sure the air you breathe in is very clean.

Thanks to Microclimate.com for the information, images and Awesome product.

If you want to know more or to buy one take a look here.


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