The Couch Console
Chilling out at home is the best, literally the best thing ever. After a hard day of work or just pottering around you get comfy with your bag of snacks, drink remotes, and whatever else you need. Then you spill your drink, your M&M’s roll down the side of the sofa and you can not find the remote.
Well, these things are about to change.
The Couch Console
Say So long to a side table that you have to reach to get stuff, I mean it’s 2021 why do we still have to reach? The couch console makes chilling out on the sofa or the bed even easier and makes sure everything is by your side.
The console contains a self-balancing cupholder, snack holder, phone stand, charging dock, remote tray and, a storage pocket. So everything you need just to chill out.
you can also choose how you want your console to look. Meaning you can move the compartments around to what you want in there. And you can also buy addons.
The couch console also comes with a lifetime guarantee, so this Awesome device will be with you for life.
For more information Take a look here
Thank you to Couchconsole.com for the use of the information, images and video.