D Dart Tempest

D Dart Tempest

D Dart Tempest

Move over other dart shooting for fun toys! (you know who you are) there’s a new sheriff in town. and this seriously steps up the at-home warfare.

Imagining taking out the other team (girlfriend) as you charge towards the fridge for that last cake!!

D Dart Tempest

The D Dart Tempest is a one-handed, fully automatic, rotational soft dart blaster gun. And we couldn’t be more excited.

D Dart Tempest
D Dart Tempest

The dart blaster has the capacity for 28 darts that fire one by one as the magazine rotates around your wrist. The darts by the way come free at the moment when you purchase the gun.

D Dart Tempest
D Dart Tempest

It has a clever one-handed design that can be used by both left and right-handed people.

Can reach up to 70 feet. So rest assured even if your granny does make a run for it, with a 70 feet distance you’ll still be able to take her out!!!

D Dart Tempest
D Dart Tempest

For more information take a look here

Thank you to Tempest for the use of their videos, information, and images.

Take a look at D Darts video below.