How to read minds kit


How to read minds kit

Ever wanted to read someone’s mind. Yes, of course you have. It’s up there with the other superhero powers of eating really fast and being able to sleep when you want to.
  But what if there was a way to entertain people with the power of your mind.

The how to read minds kit by Ellusionist

This nifty kit has been thoughtfully put together by  Pete Turner at
Peter turner is a renowned mentalist and has offered his insights with this amazing kit.
It contains roughly 20 tricks to use to impress and wonder those around you.
Tricks include unlocking the code to a phone. Reveal
Any word they think of. Know their credit card pin. Know the word they are thinking. And lots more.
Thanks to Ellusionist for the use of their images. Video and information.
For more information take a look here
Take a look at the kit here on YouTube

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