Cardlax Ear Bud Washer


Cardlax Ear Bud Washer

I’m not a huge germaphobe. I bathe once a week and wash my clothes when they have a certain stiffness about them. But my earphones and pods have been different. I always took extra care not to cross-contaminate them with my keys and money etc when they were in my pocket. Making sure to wipe them over every so often just to keep them clean. after all, these things go in your ears so keeping them clean is very important.

The Cardlax Ear Bud Washer

Cardlax has come up with a neat little washing machine for your ear pods that are Currently on Kickstarter smashing the campaign.

firstly you loosen up any debris with a soft small brush that is located at the top of the device, this also rotates to help clean. You then spray a couple of drops into the device. one at the top and one on the rotating unit. then insert your earpods and turn them on. you will see the device spins around rubbing your earpods on the soft sponge. wiping away any dirt. Cleaning time is a total of 2 minutes.

Cardlax claims that the sound quality is better after a clean. That makes sense, The cleaning removes debris that is blocking the tiny mesh of the earpod. so not only will you have clean earpods and that means clean ears, but you also get a better sound from your devices. win-win.

For more information take a look here

Thank you to Cardlax for the use of the information and images.

Take a look at Cardlax on Youtube

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