Pepper The Robot


Pepper The Robot

If you have ever seen the film I ROBOT then You will have some understanding of the pro/cons of having a robot. But not just I ROBOT. Rocky 4, lost in space the list goes on.
  And why wouldn’t you want a new best friend? One That won’t steal your Metallica tickets or your hoodies. But, one that could make you mugs of tea and play poker with. Ah, the dream.

Meet Pepper The Robot

Pepper the robot is brought to you by soft bank robotics.
  Pepper stands at 120cm tall. And Can speak 15 languages. Kinda like C3PO.
  Pepper can also start and hold a conversation by reading your facial expressions and can tell if you are angry. Happy sad etc.

Pepper has an LCD screen across its chest and can display information or it can be used as another form of communication with pepper. Pepper has bumpers and sensors to navigate around.

Pepper is ideally suited to business/office think of maybe a tour robot in a factory. Or educational where it can visit schools and give information.

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Thanks to Soft Bank Robotics for the use of the images and information.
For more information take a look here
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