Bug A Salt 3.0

Bug A Salt 3.0

Bug A Salt 3.0

Where was this little beauty in the summertime? As soon as the bbq starts in the warm weather all the insect enemies come out to snack on you and the food. well no more.

Meet The Bug A Salt 3.0

This insect grim reaper runs strictly on salt and hatred. offering up to 80 shots per full reload of normal table salt. All with No batteries required. Sweet, eh?

Its sleek design means it looks great while you run around the house shooting flies. While also offering a lifted barrel and a partridge site, meaning for a more accurate shot even in flight. So even after they have eaten your steak and mash you can still get them when they are in take-off.


For more information take a look here

Thanks to Bug A Salt for the use of the images and information

Take a look at Bug A Salt’s advert.





