Airy Fairy

Airy Fairy

Airy Fairy

We have many candles in the house, They’re a bit like the pillows and cushions. I don’t know which ones I can use or which ones are just for show. But there is always a nice inviting candle smell when you enter our home. One thing that concerns me is that you can never leave a candle on its own for safety reasons. Like my friend, Steven.

Airy Fairy is an awesome safety device for the regular candle user. What does it do? well, it blows your candle out after a set time. meaning that your candles are safely taken care of if you accidentally forget to blow them out yourselfs.

it features a 4-hour timer, test button to check for optimum candle position, rechargeable battery, and an adjustable arm for different height candles.

For more information take a look here

Images and information courtesy of Airy Fairy