Bob Mini Dishwasher

Bob mini dishwasher

Bob Mini Dishwasher

If like me and lots of others you are pushed for space at home for new gadgets then you need to look at smaller appliances. I mean I could move my drum kit out the kitchen but that only leaves the bedroom and she will kick me out if I practice when she’s sleeping again.
 If you hate doing dishes and want the luxury of a dishwasher but don’t have the space. Then this is BOB.
 Bob is a mini dishwasher that can be used at home, office, boat, caravan, and motor home.
   Its tiny size means that it can fit anywhere you have the space for 49cm in height and depth and 34cm wide. It has 4 adjustable feet for stability and weighs 10.9 kg.
    You can fit Daily tableware for 2 people: 4 plates, 4 glasses, 2 cups, 2 bowls, a small saucepan or frying pan, and cutlery (knives, forks, spoons) so plenty enough if there is just the 2 people.
  Bob comes in an array of colours and optional extras including a UV light option that can cast light over masks, keys, wallets, and any daily item that you want to be cleaned.

For more information take a look here

Images and information courtesy of Daan