Tealicious Fully Automatic Tea Machine


Tealicious Fully Automatic Tea Machine

A mug of tea. What better drink is there? None. Not even coffee comes close.  Actually… hot chocolate always hits the spot. But for now, it’s tea.
The Tealicious Fully Automatic Tea Machine has been made with tea connoisseurs in mind.
It has a 1-litre capacity enough to cover up to 8 cups of tea.
A. Automatic switch off after an hour. And with the recent hike in energy prices, we all need to pay attention to little
Details like this save us money.
 Different yea leaves require different brew times. This has a brew selection between 2-16 minutes to help cover most flavours and leaves.
  Also, the Two carafe system has separate infusion and serving jugs made of plastic and glass to help get the best flavours out of your brew.
 For more information take a look here 
Images and information courtesy of Klarstein
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