Massage Robotics
As much as a massage makes you feel better. The thought of being half-naked in front of someone makes me anxious. Are they laughing at my hairy back? Why are they talking so much?
Take out the human element and introduce a massage robot and you could have yourself a deal.
The team at massage robotics has come up with an awesome working robot that can help with your knotted muscles.
The massage robotics team has designed it with Collaborative Robots (COBOTS) which meet the international standards for robots that can safely operate around humans due to their low power and programmable speed and force limitations. So you can rest safe knowing that it won’t go all “short circuit” and start folding you like laundry.
Via an app, you can control and save routines that the robot can use. Incorporating speed and pressure and areas of the body.
The robot arms can use different attachments to help reach all parts of the body.
For more information take a look here
Images and information courtesy of massage robotics