Stirling Eco Bike

Stirling Eco Bikes

Stirling Eco Bike

With petrol prices at an all-time high, we need alternative methods of travelling. And the Stirling Eco Bike provides an awesome way of getting around.

Reduce your carbon footprint and travel on zero emissions from the eco bike, all while traveling with the cost of pennies. You also don’t get congestion charges and road tax as the emissions are zero. Charging at home and work is easy as you can charge when at an outlet or charge on the go. With a single charge taking around 4 hours.

The bikes are easy to drive too, simply use the key start or remote start and twist the handle to go. No gear changes mean there’s less to think about. You can get up to 30 miles on a battery and can carry an extra battery to get you further. It can also reach 30 mph restricted and 45mph unrestricted. Also, all you need is a completed CBT exam and a learner’s license, and you are good to go.


For more information take a look here

Images and information courtesy of Stirling Eco Bikes