The Office Lego Set


The Office Lego Set

We all have that programme or film that serves as a constant source of joy.  Something we can put on as background noise and tune in when our favourite parts come up. Or, just something we can put on and binge on. serveThe office is one of my many favourite comedies that serve such a purpose. And now Lego has come up with the complete office build for you to have as a constant reminder of how Jim, Dwight, and the gang get through their day at paper merchants.

Lego has brought an iconic series to life. for you to build is the complete setup of the Scranton division of Dunder Mifflin paper merchants.

Featuring scenes and little easter eggs here and there the office set by Lego has brought together a fantastic series for an awesome lego build. With pieces, this will take you a good while to complete. Featuring all the favourite characters and iconic scenes this is a hit for any Office fan.

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Images courtesy of Lego



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