


Ever wanted to learn the drums? To be the next Keith moon or Dave Grohl.
To stand in front of thousands, singing your songs and chanting your name. It sounds unreal.
But the truth is my mum won’t let me have a drum kit. We haven’t got the room and the neighbours won’t like it. Typical.
Well, Freedrum is here for you to learn and play the drums without the noise and lack of space. You can take this setup with you anywhere work, school, or even church…it’s fine, God said.
Freedrum provides an app that can help you to learn to drum to your favourite songs. It also allows you to record and send your beats if you wanted to make music.
Included with the kit are 2 smart sticks, an app to download, and 2 Freedrum pedal
So you can drum away to your content and no one will be any the wiser. Unless they see you. Then your just air drumming
Images courtesy of free drum