Power Golf Club


Power Golf Club

If there’s one game I never got the hang of its golf. It’s expensive, you get to dress like your dad and it takes an age to learn.


What if you could truly smash the golf ball without having to learn how to swing a club?

That’s right. Just line up and let the club do the rest.


The power golf club is designed by an ex-NASA employee who designed and engineered one of the one-man shot probes that landed on the moon.

An avid golf fan he sought to invent a golf club that could be played without a swing. And so the power golf club was born.


Powered by gunpowder. the long barrel that acts as a club silences the noise made by the reaction of the gunpowder to that of a normal golf club sound.

Choose your desired drive range by the range lever at the back of the club head. Then safety on until you’re ready to hit the ball.

It has a range of between 50 and 200 yards. So good enough to hold your own with even the decent players.

This also has great benefits for disabled people who may be limited in their movements. It opens up golf to anyone.

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.powergolfclub.com/” text=”Take A Look” ]

all images courtesy of power golf club


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