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Skeletonics Take your cosplay up a few notches with the awesome exoskeleton suite. Standing at just over 9 feet tall and weighing 88lbs. This exoskeleton can easily be transformed into any tall character or robot.  It takes around a minute to get into and load up and has a run time of 60 minutes. ...

Artificial Man Muscle Upper Body Suit
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Artificial Man Muscle Upper Body Suit


Artificial Man Muscle Upper Body Suit  I went to the gym once. I looked nothing like Schwarzenegger when I left. It was all a lie. And I fell for it hook line and sinker. If at first you don’t succeed…cheat This fake muscle suit can be worn under regular clothes or can be used as part of a cosplay. Also, you ...

Orangutan Costume
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Orangutan Costume


Orangutan Costume  When you want to dress up like the orangutang from the jungle book or simply walk around and scare the soul out of people. This costume is real enough to do both. With measurements of length 120 cm /Width 90 cm /Height 200 cm this can fit someone of 160 cm to 185 cm tall. The whole costume is made ...

Face transforming LED mask
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Face transforming LED mask


Face transforming LED mask If you enjoy being creepy and wandering around in masks that scare the inside fluids out of people then look no further. This mask can change into any face you like. Choose from the library provided with the app that has 45 animated patterns or 70 static faces or upload your own photo. ...

Custom Japanese Cat masks
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Custom Japanese Cat masks


Custom Japanese Cat masks I post a lot about dogs. Like that's the only pet that's out there...It is.  But occasionally some people like cats around the home. I think to date there are 17 cats left in the world. and for those that have them, cherish them . because when they are gone, you'll be getting a dog. So until ...

The Predator Cosplay
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The Predator Cosplay


The Predator Cosplay OK, So if we have an Alien cosplay then surely we should have it's best friend...of sorts. The Predator. Then one of you can buy one and I'll buy the other. Then we can run around taking over community centres and small country markets. Brilliant! This wonderfully crafted costume has been ...

Alien Cosplay Costume
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Alien Cosplay Costume


Alien Cosplay Costume My Nieces fancy dress party is going off this year when I rock up in this. I get to scare all the ten year olds. Then eat all the buffet food to myself like a mean, loser type alien. If you are a fan of movies , cosplay or Aliens then this will hold a place very dear to you. Even if slightly out ...

LED Screen helmet
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LED Screen helmet


LED Screen helmet Now I can wear this and pretend to be a world class DJ. Of course, I am not. But I can pretend and look the part nonetheless. These fantastic flashy helmets are created by Etereshop, From Brest In Belarus. These genius helmets can display messages and now pictures too. You know that everyone will ...

Iron Man Helmet
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Iron Man Helmet


Iron Man Helmet For those days when you wanna look like Iron Man but can't be bothered with the full suit. Then I bring you the replica Iron Man helmet (full suit also available). This helmet is one of many designs that the guys at Project Holo have designed. So much care and detail has been given to these designs, ...

Grizzly bear coat
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Grizzly bear coat


Grizzly bear coat You read that right. It's a coat that's actually a grizzly bear. Of sorts. Well not really. It's obviously a coat. But how cool is this? The coat itself is made out of ultra-soft, incredibly realistic fabric (80% acrylic, 12% modacrylic, 8% polyester). meaning it's super cosy and warm. ...

Custom Fully wearable Fantasy Knight Suit of armour
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Custom Fully wearable Fantasy Knight Suit of armour


Custom Fully wearable Fantasy Knight Suit of armour Finally, something cool to walk the dog in. And I also get to look like a game of thrones type person, And that has to be a bonus. I like the look of this, and If I were to purchase this then I should do old knight type stuff. Fight dragons, take the rubbish out a ...

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