Massage Gun Mount
Massage guns are the sports or wellness equivalent of the air fryer. Maybe a fad over time but they’re actually pretty good.
They’re Great after a long shift, a stressful day, or after you’ve competed in a good old game of sports.
They really do beat the muscles up and help you ...
Dusk Sunglasses
Summer specs have just been upgraded. No longer will cheap sunglasses be the norm as I stroll around summer in my luminous Bermuda shorts while wearing my fake aviators.
The Dusk sunglasses can be operated via an app to change the tint from 4% to 38%. Allowing for more protection during the sunnier ...
Find yourself stressed from the daily grind of life. Meditation apps and yoga may help but it’s a long path and can be costly to do if you want to do it properly.
Sensate uses infrasonic therapy to help your body's nervous system recover from daily stresses.
Simply find a place to lay down or lean back. ...
Blanc masks
If you haven’t had enough of masks these past 2 years and you're thinking of getting that next-level mask to carry on the self-protection then the blanc mask is something you’ll definitely need.
The blanc mask is a complete face cover. Like a front helmet for your face.
It has replaceable HEPA filters ...
Bond Touch
When a text or phone call just won’t do and you need to let someone close know that your thinking of them then the bond touch has got you covered.
Via an app and bracelet you can let loved ones know they are on your mind via a simple touch.
There are 4 levels of vibration Intensity and after each vibrate ...
Massage Robotics
As much as a massage makes you feel better. The thought of being half-naked in front of someone makes me anxious. Are they laughing at my hairy back? Why are they talking so much?
Take out the human element and introduce a massage robot and you could have yourself a deal.
The team at massage ...
Metaura Pro
When things get too hot we need to cool down. Chilled drinks, a dip in the water, or a fan seems to help no end. What if you had a portable fan you could wear around your neck to keep you cool.
The Metaura pro is a wearable device that can keep you cool by
Blowing cold air that’s 7 degrees ...
Everknead hand massager
After a busy day of using your digits to maybe text, pick your nose, or drum your fingers on the desk to annoy your colleagues. You’ll need to find a way to help your fingers and hands relax.
The Everknead hand massager is a game-changer if you constantly use your hands or suffer from ...
Navage nose cleaner
Your nose is your body’s air filter system. The nasal hairs trap dirt, dust, and germs.
So cleaning it regularly (keep your fingers out) helps to fight off those unwanted tiny microbes of doom.
The Navage nasal cleaner is a powered suction device that flushes out all the trapped stuff including ...
Hypertrax Multi-Functional Cervical Traction Device
For those of us that suffer from neck and shoulder pain. Usually brought on by poor posture or always looking down at your phone screen, Then regular trips to the chiropractor or massage therapist can become expensive. Speaking from experience as my posture is so bad ...
Tactical Storage Holster
If you have ever been the main focus of a pickpocket or general thievery then you know the importance of keeping your valuables as close to You as possible and out of the way of wandering hands.
The Multifunction Crossbody Tactical Storage Holster Shoulder Bag is a handmade, very stylish, ...
Inkbox Temporary Tattoo
If you have ever wanted to ink yourself up but have never seen a design you’d like for the rest of your life? Then this company has only gone and made temporary tattoos so you can dip your toe in the ink and not have a full commitment.
These tattoos last for 1-2 weeks are fully ...
The Round Ice Bath
For those of you that have your lives together. It seems that cold showers or ice baths are what make you superhuman.
Take a look at Wim Hoff. The guy can regulate his temperature and lives most of his life in an ice bath.
The health benefits are great. It soothes sore muscles, can boost your ...
Cube Sleep System
The night time bed battle. Fighting over covers because one of you is cold, or throwing covers off you in a rage because you are suddenly too hot! There never seems to be a happy medium. We have all been there.
Chilisleep has come up with an awesome idea that helps keep you at your perfect ...
Blazepod trainer kit deluxe
My reaction time has decreased a lot over the last few years. My main aim in life is to be able to snatch the TV remote off the table before my partner can get her mittens on it. And she wins every single day. I need help getting quicker and this could be the product to do that.
The ...
The BumGun
We all need to do our Bit for the environment. Using fewer fossil fuels, less plastic, don’t break wind and cut down on the toilet paper we use.
Not all of us are privileged enough to have a bidet at home. I mean I used to run a hose from the downstairs outside tap to the upstairs toilet. It’s just ...
LIVALL EVO21 Smart Helmet
One of the better sides of technology is keeping us safe and protected. Especially when it comes to sport and cycling. That is exactly what this great product does.
The LIVALL EVO21 Smart Helmet
No longer will i have to wave my arms around to let other road users more importantly cars know ...
Cardlax Ear Bud Washer
I'm not a huge germaphobe. I bathe once a week and wash my clothes when they have a certain stiffness about them. But my earphones and pods have been different. I always took extra care not to cross-contaminate them with my keys and money etc when they were in my pocket. Making sure to wipe them ...
Fresh Up By Bosch
All our clothes can get a little smelly. Or maybe it's just psychological. We wear the clothes out and at the end of the night think they are dirty enough to warrant a wash. Or maybe they have been sat in the wardrobe for a while and have a musty smell.
You won't have to always rewash these items ...
The Wristband Dispenser
With life becoming somewhat normal soon after the hideous year every single person on earth has had there are certain habits that we will all carry forward with us.
Mine is staying inside and then staying away from people when I venture outside to get more chocolate.
But I also want to ...
Do you have trouble falling asleep or just relaxing. Then if you haven't got the room for a meditation pod then this could be within your room and wallet budget.
Morphee was designed to aid in the sleeping and meditation areas of your life. Simple in design and function it steps away from the digital ...
Openseed Meditation Pod
I love the idea of meditation. It's something I try to do but find it very hard. I'm great at sleeping, I can do that all day. and meditating is basically sleeping while awake. What if we had a safe place for meditation. somewhere that would help us switch off and relax and meditate.
Openseed ...
IORRY Mask Maker Machine
I remember when date night used to be a thing we would dress up for and go out for food and a film or just a walk to the beach and food. It always involves food..that's my only deal.
Now staying in is the new date night for everyone. and we make the most of it by putting on our pyjamas, ...
Indoor Climbing Panel Complete Kit
If you are not already climbing the walls during this strange section in everyone's lives then you could be doing it with a professional kit.
The Indoor Climbing Panel Complete Kit
If you ever fancied learning to climb then now is your perfect chance. The guys over at ...