Blanc masks
If you haven’t had enough of masks these past 2 years and you're thinking of getting that next-level mask to carry on the self-protection then the blanc mask is something you’ll definitely need.
The blanc mask is a complete face cover. Like a front helmet for your face.
It has replaceable HEPA ...
Face transforming LED mask
If you enjoy being creepy and wandering around in masks that scare the inside fluids out of people then look no further.
This mask can change into any face you like. Choose from the library provided with the app that has 45 animated patterns or 70 static faces or upload your own ...
Microclimate Mask
Well, its official, 2020 has been the weirdest year since records began (my records). Although I never go outside much anyway so the whole lockdown thing hasn't affected me at all. But if I needed to go outside, and that's a big if. then I'm going to need one of these.
The Microclimate Mask
Look ...
Custom Japanese Cat masks
I post a lot about dogs. Like that's the only pet that's out there...It is. But occasionally some people like cats around the home. I think to date there are 17 cats left in the world. and for those that have them, cherish them . because when they are gone, you'll be getting a dog.
So until ...