Professional Pet Grooming Vacuum Kit
Brushing my dog always turns into a headache. He hates it and I have to bribe him. Then the wrestle begins.
Having a German shepherd means they shed hair like it’s going out of fashion. So imagine my intrigue when I came across the Professional Pet Grooming Vacuum Kit.
It claims ...
Fluent Pet
If my dog could talk it would probably be along the lines of
“You gonna share that?” Or “Yes, pizza!!”
Or better yet
“There’s plenty of room on that chair, scooch over!!”
But if you wanted to communicate with your friend on a broader scale then fluent pet has got you covered.
Fluent pet is made up of ...
Sea Monkeys Kit
I think I may have just found the perfect pet. It doesn’t shit on the carpet. It Doesn’t eat your insoles from your shoes and doesn’t dig holes in the garden. No, I’m not talking about my grandad.
These are sea monkeys.
Or commonly known as brine shrimp
They make easy pets as you feed them once a week ...